Rush Limbaugh Plays Jan Helfeld Clip of Harry Reid

Today, Rush Limbaugh introduced his radio audience to the quirky libertarian legend, Jan Helfeld. Rush found his questioning of Harry Reid amusing–especially his ability to compel Harry Reid to state that “taxes are voluntary.” This was in the context of discussing Senator Reid’s claim that a source told him, “Mitt Romney hasn’t paid any taxes for ten years.”  Full transcript:

Grab audio sound bite 25.  We’re gonna go back to April 1st, 2008.  This is on a website called  There’s a blogger and host by the name of Jan Helfeld interviewing Dingy Harry.  And the interviewer says, “If the government is in the business of forcefully taking money from some people in order to provide welfare benefits to the others, how will the people whose money is being taken feel about the government?”  This is April 1st four years ago at  So the question, “If the government’s in the business of forcefully taking money from some people in order to provide welfare benefits to others, how will the people whose money is being taken feel about the government?”

Congratulations Jan Helfeld, it’s not every day that grassroots media is exposed to millions of radio listeners in one day!

[vsw id=”H6q0slMhDw8″ source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]

Enjoy getting to know his quirky interview style here.


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  1. GiveJonaDollar August 1, 2012

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