Federal Judge Issues Permanant Injunction Against NDAA
Yesterday, Judge Katherine Forrest–a recent Obama appointee–permanently enjoined (prevented) enforcement of a portion of the National Defense Authorization Act, stating that the law “impermissibly impinges on guaranteed First Amendment rights and lacks sufficient definitional structure and protections to meet the requirements of due process.” (Ultraculture)
The NDAA is a federal law signed into law by President Obama on December 31, 2011 that authorizes the government to detain persons–without charge or trial–including U.S. citizens, who “substantially support” Al-Qaeda, the Taliban or their “associated forces.”
Obama’s lawyers (Yes, our constitutional scholar-in-chief) had argued that the courts should, ‘stay out of it’ and “exercise deference to the executive and legislative branches and decline to rule on the statute’s constitutionality.” Obama’s lawyers are expected to appeal this ruling and many wonder if they will ignore it all-together.
(Scroll down to view the full ruling.)
Across the country, Ron Paul supporters deserve the credit for keeping this issue alive within the public sphere. Have you ever heard CNN report on this issue?
FLASHBACK: Ben Swann, a local FOX reporter, has been tirelessly covering this story.
FLASHBACK: Blake Filippi, a lawyer from Rhode Island, has been on the front lines of fighting this law at the state level.
Read the ruling: (Story developing…)
Judge Forrest Permanent Injunction against NDAA
why are people “wondering if he’ll even abide by the ruling at all”? This is the same warpig who has gone to war without congressional approval (well, at least without the AMERICAN congress’ approval…), assassinated American citizens and innocent bystanders via drone, refused to uphold immigration laws, refused to uphold DOMA (which really shouldn’t be on the books anyway, but get rid of it the right way), etc etc etc
I have a question for all of the folks on this site and others. All the information that we dig up on the clown in chief seems to go nowhere that would help the American people extract Obama from office. I know that Congress is doing nothing the DOJ is an offshoot of Obama as well as DHS the courts seem to belong to the Liberals. Who speaks for us any more? Every day I am becoming a little more pissed cause I can see a major problem coming our way (Marshall law) and as much as we piss and moan nothing is being done by those that we put into office to protect us from this crap heading our way. Even Fox news is skirting the main issues. We are being pushed and nudged into doing something that we don’t want to do, but each day there is less, and less choice as to what else we can do to save our Beautiful Country. As for me, I am a law abiding Citizen and would love to to stay that way. However when laws or rules are created every day to restrict my freedoms, be aware, I am resisting now – tomorrow? Cerf-ice it to say “I will not slip quietly into the night”. True I am but an old man, but an old man deeply in love with The United States of America. To those enemy’s of my country; you are treading on me and I don’t like it one little bit. Jack Hotchkiss Oath Keeper