Fascinating Article on War with Iran from Al Jazeera
Before we get to the article, I’d like to draw your attention to some of the first comments it received–and they are not the opinion of myself or iroots.org–they are what they are, full of braggadocio and fascinating…
Good article, except the author is too convinced of western and Israeli rhetoric. Precisely because of the costs the author outlines very well, there won’t be an attack against Iran.
Been saying this for years, but it doesn’t seem to sink in! Iran is too powerful for the US to attack now or any time in the near future. In the more distant future, Iran will be so powerful that it would be untouchable. So it’s the end of this story.
Now, learn to live with a powerful Iran. For Iran has Always been powerful, unlike USA or other uncivilised upstart states around.
The Persian cat is beautiful, wise, experienced and friendly, as long as you don’t misbehave… 🙂
And in response, Martin Mbasa:
Oh Niloufar, you DO love to stroke your own nationalism!
Beware though, “national vanity” and love of power can impede logic.In a conventional war, Iran’s army would crumble like Iraq’s did – in a matter of days. This is one reason WHY it might want nuclear weapons (Iran saw how quickly Saddam Hussein’s similarly-sized army was annihilated)
However, if the USA invaded Iran, the aftermath of the invasion would be chaos and sectarian violence (as in Iraq). There would be strong guerilla resistance against the USA, and Sunni-Shia violence would surface among minorities like the Kurds(Sunni), Azeris(Shia), Baluch(Sunni) and Luris(Sunni). The USA would not be able to control the anarchy and would pull out – leaving Iran as a failed state (like Afghanistan after the failed Soviet invasion). The USA would win the war, but lose the peace – same as it did in Afghanistan and Iraq.
At the same time, oil prices would sky-rocket, driving the USA and much of the rest of the world into an even deeper economic recession.
THIS is why the USA doesn’t want to mess with Iran.
The article: Why war with Iran would spell disaster
After a decade of exhausting and demoralising conflict between the United States and two of the weakest, most impoverished countries in the world, Iraq and Afghanistan, many within the US political establishment are calling for the country to engage in yet another conflict; this time with a relatively powerful enemy in Iran.
In the past week alone, top Republican figures such as John McCain and Joseph Lieberman have called for increasing belligerence towards the Iranian regime, bringing the two countries closer to the brink of armed conflict.
The heightening standoff with Iran over its nuclear programme, curious in itself for its recent rapid escalation given that leading American and Israeli intelligence estimates have both concluded that Iran has neither developed nor is planning to develop nuclear weapons, is leading to increasingly belligerent rhetoric out of Washington calling for war with Iran.
Leading members of the House and Congress from both parties as well as the closest advisers to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney have called for attacking Iran, with some high-ranking GOP advisers even suggesting that the time is now for a Congressional resolution formally declaring war on the country.
Romney and many other leading Republican figures have called for pre-emptive war against Iran, and have continually upped the ante in terms of threats of military action throughout the election campaign. This alarming and potentially highly consequential rhetoric is occurring in a context where the American people are still recovering from the disastrous war in Iraq and winding down the US occupation of Afghanistan, while at the same time coping with the worst economic drought since the Great Depression.
Read more: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2012/09/201291194236970294.html