Backstabbing Bill Kristol implies Romney should Step Down
It remains important for the country that Romney wins in November (unless he chooses to step down and we get the Ryan-Rubio ticket we deserve!). But that shouldn’t blind us to the fact that Romney’s comments, like those of Obama four years ago, are stupid and arrogant.
Indeed: Has there been a presidential race in modern times featuring two candidates who have done so little over their lifetimes for our country, and who have so little substance to say about the future of our country? (9/18/12 Weekly Standard)
And here is Backstabbing Kristol from January of this year expressing his desire to kick Ron Paul out of the party:
“I don’t think anyone should plead with him not to run or to stay in the party. I would be comfortable in a general election if Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich were standing as the Republican in the Reagan tradition and debating both Barack Obama and Ron Paul.” (The Hill)
NeoCons really make great friends, don’t they?
Didn’t support the only candidate, Dr Ron Paul with a 30 year track record of following the Constitution?This is what you get. This is what you deserve. Fuck the gop for the rest of time.
I and most of my family are long time republicans who supported Ronald Reagan.
We will all be casting our votes for the man who promises peace, mutual respect between nations, sound money, and the reinstatement of our personal liberties lost during the the last 10 years since 911. The guy who opened my eyes with his speeches warning about the real estate bubble, the impending collapse it would cause, the guy who said it was probably a bad idea to invade Iraq because we didn’t have solid evidence, the guy who was right about how our foreign policies were causing more problems in the form of blowback and giving our enemies propaganda for recruiting.
I watched those CSPAN speeches and he was right about everything! We should have listened to him then, we should listen to him now. Now that my eyes are open, I will never be satisfied to vote for someone supports and facilitates the policies that got us to where we are today. Ron Paul 2012!
Do people even care what that guy thinks anymore?