East St. Louis Police State, War Zone?

East St. Louis Mayor, Alvin Parks, says a recent crime wave, including the murders of four young people, is reason enough to impose tough new curfews and security measures–a virtual police state.

Among the new measures, as reported by CBS St. Louis:

Minors are to be off the streets at ten o’clock on weeknights and weekends.

Minors on the street during school hours will be arrested on sight.

Police will also perform I.D. checks on street corners and conduct gun searches, and Parks says he won’t hesitate to call in the National Guard if the spike in violence continues.

“The loiterers will be arrested, not warned, but arrested. Those who are hanging out at 11th and Bond, 15th and Lynch, 38th and Waverly, wherever you happen to be, if you are loitering, you will be arrested.”

“No royal blue, no bright red to be worn by our men or our boys in this community,”

 We have citizens who say all the time, “Mayor, I don’t care what we have to do. Just make it safe.” What do we do? We bring in the US Marshals, the FBI, the ATF, the DEA…The citizens don’t care who it is–if they are helping to make them safe.

You can listen to the interview by scrolling down to the bottom of this link.

Despite the fact that the local police have been unable to contain the violence, Mayor Alvin Parks remains resolute in his opposition to allowing law abiding citizens the right to carry a defensive firearm.

You have the right to bear arms, but you have the right to bear them within your home, not on the streets, not in your cars, not inside stores.

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