Ron Paul Continues to Fight
Although set to retire from Congress, Ron Paul shows no signs of tiring from delivering his message–and the public continues to be receptive. (Scroll down to see more great photos and video.)

Ron Paul gets a hug from an emotional Britni Agnew, after speaking at the UCCU Center in Orem on Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. (Kristin Murphy, Deseret News)
(Deseret News) Ron Paul received a robust welcome at Utah Valley University on Thursday, drawing supportive chants, cheers and standing ovations from the audience as he lambasted the Federal Reserve, income taxes, the war on drugs, the war in Afghanistan, Medicare, welfare and foreign policy.
The longtime Texas congressman and three-time presidential candidate brought his trademark small government message to the UCCU Events Center to the delight of the near-capacity crowd. But while Paul’s remarks were critical of U.S. government both past and present, his message focused on the ability of individuals to band together and demand change.
“There truly is a revolution happening in the country, and people’s attitudes are changing,” he said. “There is reason to be optimistic about what is happening today.”
Mr. Weed,
the CHEATER ROMNEY is not a new issue at all, what the so called MAIN STREAM MEDIA is unravelling now is only a very small part of that. Not the people of the USA elect a President, but the ONES IN CONTROL OF THE VOTING MACHINES. The only way to expose the CHEATING is the WRITE-IN CAMPAGNE BACKED BY AN AFFIDAVIT. They”ll have to lie about it and you”ll have a proof for all the time! This is not the time to remain inactive ( that is what THEY want ). Dont pay attention to what THEY say, but complete the TAKE OVER OF THE REP. PARTY and FIGHT FOR FREEDOM!
Sincerly yours
aurel barber
Congressman Dr. Ron Paul deserve to be President and get media attention. We are going to write him in on November 6, 2012. It is right thing to do for America. We won’t give up hope. There is still hope out there.