Not Everyone on Left Rubber-Stamping Obama 2nd Term.

“Yay!!! George W. Bush’s 4th inauguration” – Sarah Harvard of

It’s good to see some dissent sprinkled amongst the Obama-bots during the inauguration ceremonies this year. The following is a series of high quality and thoughtful dissent. Trust me, whatever your thoughts on Dr. Cornel West, his epic rant against the president using Martin Luther King Jr.’s bible for his inauguration ceremony is worth a watch. However, we turn first to the overlooked usage of drones in a ceremonial fly-over at the start of the inauguration’s festivities.

“When Obama was being sworn in on the Capitol steps, we could hear the drones screeching by overhead and everyone got really excited,” spectator Andrew Meyers, 34, said as he eagerly trained his eyes on the unmanned aerial vehicles that have taken out several hundred innocent civilians during presidentially authorized strikes in Pakistan and Yemen. “They go by super fast, but luckily there are Jumbotrons all over the National Mall, so nobody missed out. Wait, they’re coming back!” At press time, sources confirmed that inaugural celebrants were enjoying the Jumbotron’s live closed-circuit feed of the still-open prison facility at Guantánamo Bay. – The Onion

Expanding on this theme, on a day like today, it would be instructive to look to the actual words of Dr. King on the subject of U.S. foreign policy.

I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today — my own government. — Martin Luther King Jr., Sermon at New York’s Riverside Church (April 4, 1967)

Robert Greenwald poses the question quite clearly on MSNBC. “No jury, no lawyers, no protection. A 65 year old woman in a field–178 children killed by drones…” Think about the number of parents and relatives of those children now inspired to join the terrorists. Truly staggering.

Finally, last night, rapper Lupe Fiasco dared to directly confront the president’s drone policy among other issues in a sprawling live performance that was ended by security guards. VIDEO.

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