Neocon Philip Klein claims ‘Captain America 2’ written by Alex Jones and Glenn Greenwald

Philip Klein from the Washington Examiner can’t abide the idea that a movie based on a comic book would dare to question the edicts of the ruling class. You know you’re a neocon if…

Thanks for the recommendation, Phil. In reality, the film has less to do with conspiracies and more to do with President Obama’s ‘kill list.’

[Marvel] said they wanted to make a political thriller,” Joe Russo, who directed the film with his brother Anthony, tells Mother Jones. “So we said if you want to make a political thriller, all the great political thrillers have very current issues in them that reflect the anxiety of the audience…That gives it an immediacy, it makes it relevant. So [Anthony] and I just looked at the issues that were causing anxiety for us, because we read a lot and are politically inclined. And a lot of that stuff had to do with civil liberties issues, drone strikes, the president’s kill list, preemptive technology”—all themes they worked into the film, working closely with screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely…

– Read more at Mother Jones and Breitbart.

Here’s a review full of spoilers from those crazy Alex Jones people:

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  1. Zhang April 7, 2014
  2. John Tobin April 14, 2014

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