Hillary Email Scandal is about avoiding FOIA
This is going to be messy…But let’s start by quoting the far left site, DailyKos, so no one can accuse us of a vast right wing conspiracy, right?
For going on 24 hours, I keep reading about Hillary Clinton’s stint as Secretary of State and how she used a private email service instead of an official Dept of State email. I keep reading how this is making a mountain out of a molehill. That the law that the Republicans are trying to say she broke wasn’t a law until after she wasn’t Secretary of State anymore. That it’s No Big Deal.
None of that is the primary issue here. What is? The Freedom of Information Act, which was enacted on July 4, 1966. And perhaps, National Security.
The original story and relevant updates:
Clinton’s practice of keeping personal emails meant they were kept out of FOIA searches: how is that remotely OK? http://t.co/1j95rOXFj3
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 4, 2015
the conspiracy to get around the foia at hillary’s state dept puts this in a new light http://t.co/VMBR6pZ7oM
— John Cook (@johnjcook) March 3, 2015
top clinton aides huma abendin and philippe reines also used private email accounts for state business http://t.co/cX91jrQerE
— John Cook (@johnjcook) March 3, 2015
.@Obama4More You’re wrong. The regulation requiring emails be kept in the normal system was enacted in 2009 pic.twitter.com/NGH7TzGGxf
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 4, 2015
So the fun thing will be to see whether State attempts to redact any of those 55k pgs of new emails b/c they’re classified
— John Cook (@johnjcook) March 4, 2015