There is another Mad Max only with animals!

With all of the hyperbolic praise being poured forth on Mad Max: Fury Road, it’s the perfect time to point out another rarely seen film by the same director. Remember that second Babe movie? It really was directed by George Miller and it’s 10x more terrifying than the new Mad Max!

Years ago, I was in a public library and glanced at an article in a film magazine listing underrated films that were highly influential on certain directors. Babe: Pig in the City was cited as an utterly insane and intensely dark movie that had to be seen to be believed. Much like Return to Oz, the second Babe film was a disaster critically because of the expectations set up by the first film (both are classics), but the artistic vision put forth is unrelenting and, well, terrifying. Seriously, this film shows things happening to animals that you would never, never see happening to a human. While it is disturbing, if you are a fan of aesthetics and good film making, you’ve gotta see this film!

You don’t even wanna know what happens after this!

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