Watch Ben Carson crush a Planned Parenthood question
Watch and learn how Dr. Ben Carson crushes arguments in favor of federal funding for Planned Parenthood. Notice how he uses silence after asking a powerful question. Planned Parenthood is funded by rich white liberals and guess where they put most of their clinics?
This is from over a week ago, but it’s worth reviewing or seeing again for the first time.
For too long conservatives (pro-lifers) and libertarians have allowed the left to dominate emotional arguments. Everything can be turned back around on ones opponents. If Rand Paul would combine some of Dr. Carson’s rhetorical questions to drive home his points, he (or anyone) could win almost any argument.
Remember how Rand Paul turned an abortion question back around on the head of the Democratic Party? *Remember, according to a Huffington Post poll (that’d be a left leaning source), a majority of Americans already favor a ban on abortion after the 20th week following conception. When the media tried to pin him down on rare occurrences of rape and incest, Dr. Paul shot back, “You go ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she’s okay with killing a seven pound baby that just hasn’t been born yet.”
Ask your pro-choice ‘friends’ that question on social media and see what happens…