Hillary would have supported KY Clerk Kim Davis’ position on marriage
In 2013, Sec. Hillary Clinton held the same position on marriage as a certain county clerk in Kentucky. (By the way, she’s a Democrat.) I’m sure any moment now a reporter will ask candidate Clinton about this,
“Would you have supported Kim Davis’ views on marriage three years ago?” / “Do you sympathize with her dilemma and other unevolved people of faith given your past agreement?” [Sarcasm/Fantasy Warning]
If not from Sec. Hillary, is there any empathy and understanding for Kim Davis from other quarters? No, it’s “walk the plank!” or worse for her. Just a random sampling:
Could #KimDavis be a closeted, self-loathing lesbian seeking shelter as a born again and projecting her self-hatred onto other gays? Hmmm…
— Greg Smith (@smithgrowl) September 2, 2015
The ACLU even shared a helpful post stating that she must be a self-hating lesbian.
Shouldn’t libertarians and anarchists be defending Kim Davis? They don’t want the state involved in marriage, right?
Most Republican candidates have opposed Kim Davis with Rand Paul making a somewhat wishy-washy comment, “I think people who do stand up and are making a stand to say that they believe in something is an important part of the American way.”
Sen. Paul would have been smarter politically and more correct to say, “The Supreme Court was wrong.”
I’m going to shift gears here and defer to a post from Doug Wilson. It’s written for a primarily Christian audience, but I think all our readers will find it engaging whether they agree or not. But before I drop you off…Shouldn’t libertarians and anarchists be defending Kim Davis? They don’t want the state involved in marriage anyway, right? And we like it when local folks nullify pot laws, right?
(Is it a problem that she doesn’t look like she shops at Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods?)
…Now while florists and bakers and photographers enjoy a great deal of active support from the broader Christian world, the most people like Davis will get is a sympathetic lack of sympathy. It falls out this way because Christians generally understand the private sector — that’s where they live, after all — but they don’t understand the nature of government. They don’t understand the public sector and the relationship of God’s Word to it. Their theology develops a distinct limp as soon as they step into the public square, but it is not the kind of limp you might acquire by wrestling with God at Peniel. It is more like what might happen if you dropped the Collected Works of Immanuel Kant on your foot. That results in quite a distinctive limp, one you see everywhere…
Go read the whole thing: http://dougwils.com/s7-engaging-the-culture/in-which-i-paint-with-some-bright-yellows.html