Ruth Bader Ginsburg laughed at notion of unisex bathrooms

Once upon a time, Ruth Bader Ginsburg laughed at the notion of unisex bathrooms. Writing in the 1970s, she defended the Equal Rights Amendment against the absurd notion, put forward by some conservatives, that its language would lead to allowing male genitalia in the women’s restroom. That’s just ridiculous…

Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy. Individual privacy, a right of constitutional dimension, is appropriately harmonized with the equality principle… – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

And here we are. First, let’s simply stand in awe at the Death Star like scope, breadth and depth of the concerns of our illustrious Federal Government! All hail, she is mother, she is all caring, she is Parens patriae.

Now, to many of our readers, 1975 will feel like (literally, totally, like) some bygone era…the dark ages. This is only because we have no historical perspective. More on this subject from National Review:

The most notable aspect of this latest public eruption of academic theory is how quickly the new academically driven moral consensus was formed. The current wave of non-academic transgender activism began last summer, when the New York Times ran a full-page editorial declaring that the oppression of the transgendered by the biologically obsessed heteronormative majority was our most pressing civil-rights struggle. The Times then followed up with a series of news stories documenting the alleged oppression and plight of the “trans community.” Now, less than a year later, any parent with qualms about having his twelve-year-old daughter share a locker room with a 14-year-old boy is branded as the equivalent of someone advocating a return to whites-only water fountains. An issue that didn’t even exist a year ago is now completely settled in the minds of the cultural elite; anyone who opposes the new regime is simply an atavistic, benighted bigot…

…There are several corollary take-aways to the present moment. First, we have learned that the trans movement trumps feminism…Given the constant caterwauling about “rape culture” by campus feminists, one would have thought that feminists would have opposed males’ use of facilities frequented by unclothed or otherwise vulnerable females. But apparently the claim that college campuses are awash in serial “rapists” waxes and wanes in salience depending on context. It now becomes merely another sign of redneck bigotry to suggest that a heterosexual male (i.e., a rapist in waiting) or a sexual pervert may take advantage of the new trans rules. Wellesley and Smith colleges have twisted themselves into knots deciding whether the “trans” category trumps the favored status of females. They concluded that being trans cancels the disability of being male and in fact elevates the trans “female” to the highest rank on the victim totem pole.


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