MTV News: Redskins term offensive even if Native Americans don’t think so

I could care less about the Redskins debate, but something illuminating just happened on Twitter, of all places. Jamil Smith, senior MTV news correspondent, has principles.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great that Jamil has some principles. I agree with him that a poll shouldn’t determine how words get used. If you know anything about how polls are conducted, they are usually employed to manipulate the public. And you know what they say about democracy or government by polls, “A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.”

What’s illuminating is this exposes Jamil’s principles for what they are. Jamil Smith and people like him are not liberals, they are authoritarians.

They are also deeply religious about their beliefs.

Liberals, by in large, have abandoned liberalism (and civil liberties) for a new religion. Excuse me, a very ancient religion. Let’s call it moralism for now. Stephen Crowder puts it this way,

I can write a trilogy of novels over the line demanding that we ban something just because a small minority find something offensive. But this comment so perfectly illustrates the left’s complete lack of Constitutional comprehension. Yes, the Constitution was framed to protect the rights of the minority from being infringed upon by the will of the majority. 100% true. That’s why the United States is a Constitutional Republic. Because “Democracy” as liberals want it, is simply mob rule. You know what liberals are missing?

“Not being offended” is NOT A RIGHT.

All freedoms must yield to the bogeyman of overcoming “systems of oppression.”

Let’s leave the Redskins debate completely behind now…and, by the way, I tend to think it’s a terrible name choice.

Although I differ from Sargon of Akkad—an atheist liberal—in that I’m a Christian, I’ve been coming to some of the same conclusions about the ‘left.’ He’s been pointing out in his videos how the regressive left is showing every indication that they are a cult/religion. Now, I would argue that this shouldn’t surprise us. God made us this way. (Trigger warning Bible links) See here, here and here.

I’m not sure I’m brave enough to directly debate Sargon on Christianity, but I’m curious if he also acknowledges this tendency towards worship/religion in all mankind?

Ultimately, I want my atheist friends to know. They will worship and they will serve somebody. And following Jesus is way easier than following the dictates of the editorial board of the Huffington Post. They can’t even get their religion right.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. – Jesus Christ from Matthew 11:28

Or you can serve “Intersectionality” and everything that comes along with this garbage,

Intersectionality (or intersectional theory) is the study of overlapping or intersecting social identities and related systems of oppression, domination, or discrimination. The theory suggests that—and seeks to examine how—various biological, social and cultural categories such as gender, race, class, ability, sexual orientation, religion, caste, age, nationality and other sectarian axes of identity interact on multiple and often simultaneous levels. The theory proposes that we should think of each element or trait of a person as inextricably linked with all of the other elements in order to fully understand one’s identity.[1] This framework can be used to understand how systemic injustice and social inequality occur on a multidimensional basis.[2] Intersectionality holds that the classical conceptualizations of oppression within society—such as racism, sexism, classism, ableism, homophobia, transphobiaxenophobia and belief-based bigotry—do not act independently of each other. Instead, these forms of oppression interrelate, creating a system of oppression that reflects the “intersection” of multiple forms of discrimination…

Still not convinced the SJWs (regressive left) are a cult? They really, really like to chant things together. You can find hours of this stuff if you’re so inclined:

Enough preaching, or rather I’ll close with the cogent and sometimes foul-mouthed and, doubtless, triggering Sargon of Akkad.

If you are new to Sargon of Akkad, this might be a better place to start and I think the videos will illustrate the cult accusation.

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