“Intersectionality” explains the anti-intellectualism of the left
If you have wondered why there are so many millennials on campus telling people to check their privilege, demanding trigger warnings, calling people out for micro aggressions, and retreating to safe spaces, the Factual Feminist has the answer: Intersectional feminism. Christina Hoff Sommers breaks it down for us.
She totally needs to check her privilege!
I would add that “intersectionality” is the new religion of the anti-intellectual academic world and a hallmark of a vocal minority of leftist activists. They need to be exposed and labeled, “regressive.”
Recommended reading
Wikipedia entry for intersectionality. (Totally a religion!)
The Redskins debate and contrasting Christianity with intersectionality.
MTV clip. (You may lose brain cells by watching this.)
Sargon of Akkad on White Feminism vs Racist Feminism. Language Warning.
All that Wikipedia entry on intersectionality says is that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. So what? That doesn’t explain the left on university campuses attacking freedom of speech. IMHO, if you consider that the far left can be as authoritarian as the far right, that does explain it. In other words, they want to shut up people who disagree with them, and some are willing to use violence to do it.