Hillary Clinton goes full Dick Cheney
It would be difficult to imagine Dick Cheney giving a speech at variance with Hillary Clinton’s recent speeches this week. She’s making it abundantly clear that she is the one carrying on the American Imperialism banner during this election cycle. Her speech today before the American Legion is just glittering with neoconservative cliches like, “American Exceptionalism” and “we are the indispensable nation.” She was joined on the stage by George W. Bush’s former deputy assistant secretary of state, James Clad, who announced his endorsement in a Tuesday statement.
Clinton has already secured the endorsements of a number of former Bush officials including director of national intelligence John Negroponte and former treasury secretary Hank Paulson.
Ironically, the one thing that makes America truly exceptional is the restraint on government expansionism found in the U.S. Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights. However, that’s the last thing that people like Hillary Clinton mean when they uses the term. For neocons, it’s their magical way of adding moral authority to all of their terrible government expanding ideas. I suppose it’s how you sleep at night if you arm terrorist groups and time after time try to topple established governments with no scruples about the misery you cause during the predictable chaos that ensues.