Statement from the Trump Hat Girl
This really doesn’t need any commentary. Simply put, this is how fragile college students are these days. Poor kids…
This was posted by the young woman, a NSO Coordinator at Mount Royal University Calgary, Canada, who attacked a Trump supporter for wearing a hat. Apparently, a ‘hate hat.’ Infamous video posted down below.
Today I got into an altercation with a guy wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. I went up and asked him if he would take the hat off, explaining a university should be a safe space. It was impossible to communicate to him why wearing a hat in support of a movement grown on the seeds of racism, bigotry and exclusion of diversity (sexual and cultural) could make some people afraid. People came out of the woodwork around us to support the hat, and after insulting me, they began filming my “crazy” behaviour at asking him to not wear the hat on campus. The video was posted and I made the mistake of reading the comments. I am so deeply saddened… I don’t want to draw anymore attention to the dysfunctional pawns that are being used by a system of power to oppress others. I do want to state that I stand by my belief that every space, but especially university spaces, should be made to make everyone feel SAFE. We need to seriously change our culture. We need to equally support and express movements and gestures of inclusive acceptance. I walked outside after the altercation, which ended up involving security and more concern for someone’s “private property” then about anti-oppression and overt racism, feeling totally hopeless. Only to find the anti-abortion group posing with their graphic images and slogans of “sin”. But… Beside them was a group of courageous and beautiful humans, holding signs of “we support your choice” and kindly warning oncoming students about the graphic images so they could be avoided. (Thank you ……, …… and crew.) It makes me cry that there will always be battles of “right” and “wrong”… There will always be opposing parties… Unfortunately for many people life does not exist without fear of oppression, violence or attack. But there are some warriors, who are not too tired. Some humans who want anyone being attacked (be it blatant or subtle) to know they are equally being a supported. I’m ready to make some noise YYC. I’m ready for some LOUD AF language of LOVE. That is the only thing that might have a chance of helping the world. So be a warrior and express your support for those who are attacked everyday because of who they are. #peace
Slusar later supplied a statement to CBC.
“He is allowed to wear the hat,” she wrote. “As a student, I disagree with what the hat represents. I have diverse friends (culturally and sexually) who would drop a class if the person wearing the hat was sitting in the room with them, because they would feel unsafe. Given the deeper issues of intolerance and oppression represented by the hat, I disagree with it.”
I can only imagine what Christina Hoff Sommers and Camille Paglia would say about this incident. Here’s a hint…