Poll: Can we all agree on defunding Planned Parenthood?

First off, this is a blog that leans libertarian and constitutional conservative (with a few anarcho-monarchists thrown in–yeah, they exist). So we can all at least agree on defunding Planned Parenthood, right? (Stopping Federal funding.)


Even if you support the right to choose abortion, we are all against big government subsidies in theory, correct?

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The video released recently (showing a top Planned Parenthood official flippantly discussing how she can help a group procure body parts *possibly for money) has grabbed the public’s attention in surprising ways. The group has already promised that new videos will drop next week. So I’d like to know who, together with me, will agree to take action to defund Planned Parenthood?

So, what to do?

I don’t pretend to have the answers, but here’s a few things to get started.

1. Let it be known that you won’t donate to the GOP (or any groups/candidates) until they take steps to actually defund PP.

2. Take it offline. Sure, let your online ‘friends’ know your stance, but make a commitment to be physically onsite to nonviolently protest Planned Parenthood for just one hour within the next two weeks. There’s bound to be a location near you. Be sure to check local laws (tips) for appropriate protest locations and consider making a simple handmade sign–they are more effective.

3. Stay tuned and connected to brainstorm new ideas. For example, there’s a prominent nationwide event called “Women Betrayed” happening on July 28th and iroots.org will be providing updates. If you are down, sign up and share.

Take Action: Defund Planned Parenthood

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