Cruz leads Trump in local Indiana Poll, but close
The Indy Star has released a poll that shows Ted Cruz leading Trump 44.8% to 29%.
A new poll gives U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz a significant lead in Indiana’s Republican presidential primary, with support from 44.8 percent of voters polled.
The Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics poll puts GOP front-runner Donald Trump in second place with 29 percent and John Kasich in third with 13.3 percent of the vote.
But 13 percent of Hoosier voters surveyed said voluntarily that they didn’t know who they would vote for — and, paired with a 4.9 percent margin of error, that could still put the candidates in a neck-and-neck race.
Indiana, don’t be like those fools who only vote for who the media tells them is winning. I’ll admit this poll has forced me to more carefully consider who I’ll vote for. I’m leaning towards a reluctant vote for Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz is an established globalist. Please do us all a favor by not voting for him.