America First Terrifies the People Who Gave us the Iraq War

The establishment is seething over President Trump’s Inaugural Address and particularly over that phrase, “America First.”

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews didn’t miss a beat, calling the phrase, “Hitlerian.”

Hold on a minute. Isn’t self-interest rational? After all, how can I help my neighbor if I don’t have my own house in order? I think there’s something in the Bible about that.

I get it, this is suppose to be about World War II, right? Actually, I don’t get it and I don’t buy it for a minute.

The lesson of World War II is that we no longer have any checks and balances before launching a war? I’m on board with U.S. involvement in WWII. However, I’m also on board with a world war being hard to start.

I guess what seals the deal for me, is seeing who is most bent out of shape by, “America First.” Almost without fail, it will be someone who cheered the Iraq War.

The neocons have lost. Good.

(Let’s keep him accountable.)

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