Iowa, Are You Ready for the Caucuses?

On January 3rd, Iowans will head to local churches, town halls and community centers to participate in the caucus process. A simple secret ballot doesn’t cut it. At many locations, speeches will be given by grassroots supporters in support of their candidate. Last night, Nick Spohn, who was kind enough to let me crash on his couch, shared the speech he is planning to give. Don’t worry, you aren’t required to speak! Take a listen:

What do you think of his speech?

If you are a supporter of Dr. Paul in Iowa, please take the time to study the caucusing process. I’ll be adding more information on this blog in the coming days. For now, take a look and share the following caucus training video. Remember, the key is to talk to your co-workers, friends and neighbors about the process and to get them to your caucus location on January 3rd! Here is a general overview:
(Don’t worry, Ron Paul is in the video too!)

Here’s what you can do:

Merry Christmas, by the way!
Your financial donation is very much appreciated. founder, Aaron Jones, is already on the ground in Iowa and will be joined by others from Texas on December 27th. Any donation will help us distribute training materials and cover gas expenses for activists doing the essential work to bring Dr. Paul victory in Iowa.
We have a goal of raising $1,500 for travel/gas, website upgrades and computer/camera equipment.

Your donation will help us expand our mission. Thanks!

Please enjoy my band’s Christmas album!

(While I’m a part of this band, we do not endorse candidates.)

Latest Comments
  1. John C. Randolph December 24, 2011
  2. Alfredo Chavez Hernandez December 24, 2011

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