Nothing more certain than Death Panels and Taxes! Krugman

It was only a matter of time before a prominent leftist and proponent of big government just came out and said it, “We need death panels and sales taxes.” Paul Krugman speaking at a Synagogue in Washington, D.C. Whatever you think about Sarah Palin, hilariously or not, she called it.

Eventually we do have a problem. That the population is getting older, health care costs are rising…there is this question of how we’re going to pay for the programs. The year 2025, the year 2030, something is going to have to give…We’re going to need more revenue…Surely it will require some sort of middle class taxes as well..We won’t be able to pay for the kind of government the society will want without some increase in taxes… on the middle class, maybe a value added tax…And we’re also going to have to make decisions about health care, doc pay for health care that has no demonstrated medical benefits. So the snarky version which I shouldn’t even say because it will get me in trouble is death panels and sales taxes is how we do this. VIDEO…

The only compassionate way out of this ‘snarky’ march to the death chambers, openly proclaimed by Dr. Krugman, is to understand that free markets really do work! Repeat after me, “The free market is better than a death panel!”

Like Rand Paul and his father have pointed out, ‘Can you imagine if a government panel would have been formed in the 90s to ensure that everyone in America had their own cell phone?’

What are the two industries that the government is the most involved in? Education and Health Care…

There is nothing more certain about statism than death panels and taxes.

Don’t forget…
This Wednesday, Feb 06, 2013 at 11:00 AM EST, Senator Rand Paul is set to give a ground breaking speech to the Heritage Foundation he’s calling “The Founders’ Vision of Foreign Policy.” While the speech may not seem like anything new to the Tea Party and libertarian groups within the GOP, it represents a real watershed event within the conservative movement, second only to the election of Rand Paul to the Senate.

UPDATE: You will be able to stream the video live at 11:00 AM, scroll down.

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