Is Glenn Greenwald Safe? The Next Shoe Drops

How many breaking stories from Glenn Greenwald is this now? And while I’m researching to write a story on his latest groundbreaking reporting, I’ve encountered another developing story when checking out his latest tweets. This is from one of his colleagues, Steve Clemons, editor at the Atlantic:

Click here for updates on this RED HOT developing story…

Here’s a synopsis of Glenn Greenwald’s latest reporting–I’ll go right for the bombshell for Americans:

At a hearing of the Senate intelligence committee In March this year, Democratic senator Ron Wyden asked James Clapper, the director of national intelligence: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?”

“No sir,” replied Clapper.

(The NSA lied. Well, surprise, surprise…But who will be held accountable for this? One thing is for sure, this makes Nixon look like a saint with a few bad days!)

Back to the Greenwald article

The Guardian has acquired top-secret documents about the NSA datamining tool, called Boundless Informant, that details and even maps by country the voluminous amount of information it collects from computer and telephone networks.

An NSA factsheet about the program, acquired by the Guardian, says: “The tool allows users to select a country on a map and view the metadata volume and select details about the collections against that country.”

The heatmap gives each nation a color code based on how extensively it is subjected to NSA surveillance. The color scheme ranges from green (least subjected to surveillance) through yellow and orange to red (most surveillance).

( How do we, as conservatives and libertarians, seize this moment and open up more eyes in the public to these issues? Stay tuned to We are developing a special activism event designed to educate the public. Here’s a little sneak peak: The seed of our idea is to have everyone post images and text of the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution on the same day. Either these words apply or they don’t, right? Stay tuned and leave a comment if you’d like to be contacted about the event or can help with design work. We can all start by clicking on this image and sharing it on Facebook:

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  1. paul dahmen June 27, 2013

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