Au Contrair, the Left is happy to confuse race and sex

Reason and Huffington Post are jumping up and down to protest against anyone daring to compare the identity confusion of Rachel Dolezal (pretending to be white) and Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner, now ‘identifying’ as a woman. What I want to point out is that the first comparisons I read to Jenner were not jokes from conservatives but from blogs on the left like Huffington Post and Daily Kos. (If you don’t know the background of the bizarre Rachel Dolezal story, scroll down to the very end of this post for a short video.)

Here’s an excerpt from Daily Kos, “Rachel Dolezal and the right to Self-Identify,” a leftist blog:

So the question is put to us then. Do we accept the person she identifies as? The alternative is to look at her birth certificate, her genetics, her childhood photographs and say “no you’re not black”. This is the same argument which has been set against transgender individuals, an argument which has come into social discourse frequently as of late: “Yeah, you may think you’re a woman, but look, you were born male, your genes show that you’re male, you were raised as a male… no you’re not a woman”.

If we, socially, have agreed that people have the right to self-determine and self-define their own gender, that human beings have a right to self-identify, then why shouldn’t we allow the same definition of self to apply to race? It is impossible to think that Rachel Dolezal associates and prefers to be referred to as black?

Another comment from DailyKos,

Is something specifically genetic that defines a person as “black” or “white[?]”  Is there a genetic marker or markers?  Can we conduct genetic testing to determine scientifically that somebody is, or is not “black? I don’t think so.  Race is a social construct, not a genetic/physiological reality. It’s in our minds.

I’m reminded of multiple perceptive quotes from the eccentric feminist, Camille Paglia:

The feminists movement is losing ground the longer it denies the overwhelming fact of nature…Universities around the world are now teaching this rot…to students that ‘gender is nothing but a fiction…imposed by oppressive institutions.’ This is absolute madness. Men will not know who they are. Women will not know who they are…Biology must be a required course in every Women’s Studies or Gender Studies program. (That’ll be the day!)

I shouldn’t have used the term “Left” in the title of this post. Camille Paglia thankfully proves me wrong. What we all hate, left and right, are distinctions in our day. Give us 100 million shades of grey!

Here’s the crazy background on the Rachel Dolezal story:

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