Is Trump creating an anti-war window for Paul?

Lost in the nonstop spectacle that is Donald Trump is the fact that he is firmly on the record as being against the Iraq war. He brought his opposition to the war up in the recent debate and here he is (8 years ago) opposing the war and correctly predicting the chaos we see today. Now, of course, Trump is all over the place on other foreign policy issues, but this one issue is a perfect window for Rand Paul to grab the ball in the next debate and talk about blowback when it comes to arming Syrian rebels and foreign aid. Picture Senator Paul saying something like this in the upcoming debate,

Now, Mr. Trump, there is an issue that we agree on. It was a grave mistake for conservatives to support the invasion of Iraq. Destabilizing that region has led to the rise of ISIS and Christians fleeing the region–did you know that Saddam, bad as he was, allowed Christians in his government? And now we have folks on this stage who supported Obama’s effort to arm Syrian rebels. And guess what? Now many of those weapons are predictably in the hands of ISIS…(Fireworks ensue…)

Rand Paul needs to triangulate on this issue and use Trump to his advantage. My gut tells me that Trump respects a fighter and his feud with Senator Paul is of a different nature than his easy put-downs of Lindsey Graham and Rick Perry. It’ll be interesting to see what happens…

Marco Rubio is ripe for confrontation on the issue of indirectly funding ISIS as I suspect most of the other candidates are who have supported either war with Syria or, indirectly, arming Syrian rebels.

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