Stream the new Radiohead album

You can listen for free to ‘A Moon Shaped Pool’ IN FULL, with commentary from Tom Robinson here on this BBC site.

The album was released a few hours ago at

The New York Times calls it, “Patient Perfectionism…laced with dread.”

On this album, grim tidings arrive amid gorgeous backdrops: gentle pianos and acoustic guitars reinforced by a string orchestra. Multilayered tinklings and murmurings give the music a subliminally shimmering aura. But this is Radiohead, whose beauty is always laced with dread; for the most part, “A Moon Shaped Pool” is an album of nightmare lullabies. In “Daydreaming,” a somber, undulating piano waltz, Mr. Yorke croons, “Beyond the point of no return/and it’s too late, the damage is done.” The album’s opening track, “Burn the Witch,” is a spiral of tension, cryptically portraying a society ignoring its own witch hunts as a clattery, insistent string arrangement ratchets up the dissonance and agitation.

Throughout the album, the state of the world and the state of the singer’s heart shade into one another. “When I see you messing me around, I don’t want to know,” Mr. Yorke sings in “Identikit,” and whether he’s thinking about personal, political or corporate betrayal — or just about the way facial features can be interchanged and messed around with in a police Identi-Kit — is unclear, even after the Beatles-tinged chorus arrives: “Broken hearts make it rain.”

Two music videos have already been released…

Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson…

Again, this is the link for streaming the full album.

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