Does YAL need chemo?

Young Americans for Liberty HQ has reportedly banned local chapters from hosting Milo Yiannopoulos on their campuses. All this despite what we know about libertarians and herding cats. It gets more complicated with the executive director appearing to back off of the ban in public posts on Facebook. However, the point seems clear that YAL is worried about associating their ‘brand’ with Milo. Commentary on this situation below the evidence below.

Later from YAL Exec Dir.

I suspect the contrasting messages are because YAL is presently experiencing some market pressures. Milo is striking a nerve and blowing up all over the internet. I have some words of caution for YAL.

I get it. There’s a solid case that can be made for YAL not directly associating with Milo in regards to his association with Donald Trump and his fear-based views on immigration. YAL, I assume, would rather not over-blow fear of immigrants and instead focus on blaming welfare as the incentive for immigration. I agree.

However, you ignore Milo’s main issues at your own peril. He is 100% right in his critique of social justice theory and third wave feminism and the ‘intersectionality‘ that comes with it. These delusions represent a real threat to freedom and liberty.

Finally, snowflakes are melting before our very eyes (Triggly Puff) and students are discovering the vapid emptiness of the regressive left. I would assume that YAL would like to be a part of that conversation.

So, I’d like to know. Milo aside, does YAL think #FeminismIsCancer?

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