Hillary Cancels Bernie events after Basement Comments

The Hillary Clinton campaign just announced they are canceling three planned events with Sen. Bernie Sanders for Monday in Iowa.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced Sunday night that it had canceled tentatively planned events with Sen. Bernie Sanders for Monday…Though unclear if it’s related, the schedule change comes a few days after audio from a February fundraiser leaked that made public Clinton’s take on fans of her then-rival Sanders, who she suggested were overly idealistic. (10/2/16 The Hill)

The prospect of #BasementDwellers letting their displeasure be heard and seen at three Hillary Clinton rallies on Monday was probably a smart disaster to avoid. It looks like they are pushing back the schedule by 48 hours, although Sen. Sanders is not listed as appearing together with Hillary Clinton. That might not work out so well…

Note: Hillary Clinton also contrasted herself with Sen. Sanders by describing herself as between “center-left and center-right.”

For example, this event is no longer happening.

Sen. Sanders took it well when confronted with Clinton’s comments today on CNN, but I’m not sure his supporters will. He even suggested that Hillary’s ‘basement’ comment was accurate.

You’ve gotta admit, Hillary Clinton is a meme machine!

Meme machine…

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