Speaker Paul Ryan refuses open debate with Rand Paul on Healthcare

Today, Sean Hannity offered Speaker Paul Ryan his radio and TV program as a venue for an open debate on a workable Obamacare replacement plan. Conservatives in Congress, like Sen. Paul, Cruz and even more establishment figures like Sen. Tom Cotton are refusing to support the establishment GOP plan and demanding a full repeal. Speaker Paul Ryan refused, stating,

I don’t want to get into all of that. I would rather just talk to my colleagues straight up, face-to-face, instead of doing it through some kind of media vacuum…

HANNITY: But do you understand? Wouldn’t it be valuable, if we’re going to have this discussion lets make it public. You have my TV and radio show to do anything you want —

PAUL RYAN: We have two 24-hour-plus markups in Commerce and Ways And Means Committee —

HANNITY: I saw them.

RYAN: — that were on TV, you probably watched them —

HANNITY: But I’m offering you one that people would actually want.

RYAN: [Laughing] What do you mean, nobody watches CSPAN?

HANNITY: Nobody watches CSPAN, it’s too — would you consider it at least? I don’t want to put you on the spot —

RYAN: I don’t want to get into all of that. I would rather just talk to my colleagues straight up, face-to-face, instead of doing it through some kind of media vacuum — or media —

HANNITY: I’m not looking for a food fight or Jerry Springer Show here.

RYAN: I’d rather just keep the conversations we have.

HANNITY: Alright.

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