BREAKING: Rachel Dolezal now Transracial

Well, parents, here’s what you can look forward to your kids learning in college. They, too, can join the ranks of Shaun King, Rachel Dolezal and Vanilla Ice as brave pioneers of transracialism.

BBC journalist: When you started ticking the box that said “black,” eventually, did you feel uncomfortable? Did it feel like a lie? (This exchange starts at 2:49)

Dolezal: No. It didn’t feel like a lie, for sure. It felt like, uh, a true representation of who I am and what I stand for. Because in race…even though race is a social construct…I stand on the black side of issues…

BBC: But A lot of people might say, “I sympathize with everything that the black movement stands for, yet I recognize my own ethnicity.” You didn’t.

Dolezal: Well, in that case, people would be agreeing with the idea that race is biological. The idea of race is a lie. So how can you lie about a lie?

Watch Sargon of Akkad’s take on Rachel’s bravery here.

Twitter responded with kind words of support, tolerance and understanding.

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