UPDATE: 7 States Reach 25K Signatures for White House Response on Secession (Links Included, Video)
(Check back for updates.)
As of Wednesday, November 14, 2012, individuals from all 50 states have petitioned the Obama Administration for withdrawal from the United States of America in order to “create its own new government”. These petitions were created just days after the 2012 presidential election.
Scroll down for a poll.
Louisiana was the first state to have an individual file a petition a day after the election by a Michael E. from Slidell, Louisiana. Texas was the next state to follow with a petition initiated by a Micah H. from Arlington, Texas. The government allows one month from the day the petition is submitted to obtain 25,000 signatures in order for the Obama administration to consider the request. So far, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and North Carolina have all reached that mark.
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The Texas petition reads as follows:
The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government’s neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it’s citizens’ standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.
Of course, any realistic secession effort would have to originate from a state’s government — not from petitions to the White House or its website.
An article from the Daily Caller adds, interestingly:
“While Texas has no special power to leave the United States, it may have an option no other state can boast: In the resolution that Texas passed authorizing the U.S. to annex its territory, it specifically spelled out how Texas could be divided into as many as five separate territories. Each one, the agreement read, would be “entitled to admission” as a new U.S. state.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s office did not immediately respond to an inquiry asking what would happen if Texas, subdivided into five states, were suddenly entitled to 10 U.S. Senators instead of two.”
As of 4 pm, November 14, the following petition links and their signature counts are:
Louisiana, 33,604; Texas, 100,278; Florida, 29,842; Alabama, 27,168; North Carolina, 26,517; Kentucky, 16,215; Mississippi, 15,989; Indiana, 17,868; North Dakota, 10,328; Montana, 11,833; Colorado, 18,829; Oregon, 12,930; New Jersey, 12,432; New York, 13,403; South Carolina, 20,625; Arkansas, 19,791; Georgia, 28,142; Missouri 16,967; Tennessee, 27,205; Michigan, 16,823; Oklahoma, 15,768; Nevada, 8,791; Arizona, 18,935; Pennsylvania, 11,291; Delaware, 6,647; South Dakota, 5,166; Nebraska, 5,686; Kansas, 6,811; Alaska, 6,576; California, 11,405; Utah, 6,960; West Virginia, 6,007; Wyoming, 7,415; Ohio, 9,689; Virginia, 6,469; New Mexico, 3,275; New Hampshire, 3,993; Wisconsin, 4,881; Rhode Island, 3,448; Illinois, 3,051; Minnesota, 3,568; Idaho, 4,345; Washington, 2,165; Massachusetts, 1,396; Iowa, 2,413; Hawaii, 1,480; Connecticut, 545; Maryland, 709; Maine, 2,297; and Vermont, 97.
Check back for updates.
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Yeah people from other states signing for each other. So it’s not even a representation of the people living in those states. That’s gonna work….
Let’s do this!
Have any of these people approached their state representatives about succeeding from the union?
I so saddened Iowa isn’t on that list!!! Maybe I will move to Texas!!! 🙂 God is now starting, and will increase his judgements upon America!! Her sins have become a overwhelming stench in his nostrils!! Only God can help his own people now. The unbelievers will suffer and perish. Unfortunately, the believers may suffer with them, but we will have a life in eternity! Have a good trip with the big O. to hell!!! You voted him in, so now you will reap the wrath of God for it!!!!
Will Obama use NDAA To Arrest State Representatives and State Militias that support Secession?
Could Obama use NDAA To Arrest Secessionists on the Premise members are Militants and Belligerents that pose a threat to National Security?
Recently the Obama administration stated to Federal Judge Katherine Forest that under (NDAA) The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 the President had authorization to lock up belligerents indefinitely. That they (were justified) to lock belligerents up indefinitely—because cases involving belligerents directly-aligned with militants against the good of America—warrants such punishment.) Pres. Obama could use NDAA provisions to order U.S. Military Forces to round up without evidence, millions of Americans including Secessionists and Militias by alleging they are belligerents or a threat to National Security. Many observers believe Obama intends to extend NDAA to imprison U.S. Citizens in Indefinite Detention not involved with or associated with enemy forces.
Hitler included similar provisions in his fascist (Discriminatory Decrees signed February 28, 1933). Almost immediately after the German Parliament passed Hitler’s laws, the Reich Government ordered the arrest of German Citizens and confiscated their guns without probable cause or evidence; delegated powers to German Police and other authorities to arrest anyone Nazi authorities claimed attempted or incited public unrest: arrested among others were outspoken Germans, writers, journalists, peaceful protestors and artists. After World War II the East German Secret Police (Stasi) used the threat of Indefinite Detention to forcibly recruit thousands of informants.
The U.S. 2012 NDAA legislation Obama signed 12-31-11 is similar to Hitler’s 1933 fascist laws the SS and Gestapo used to target persons in Germany for arrest, imprisonment and execution without probable cause; and confiscate millions of dollars of property. Hitler used his laws to suspend Parliament and the Supreme Court insuring his laws could not be rescinded.
During the Obama Administration’s recent request for a (stay) to stop U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest blocking enforcement of vague NDAA provisions, the Obama Administration—never clarified what constitutes a (belligerent); or militant; or what belligerent activities (directly aligned with a militant) to order a belligerent’s arrest or indefinite detention; or what is against the good of America. Under vague provisions of NDAA, the President could accuse anyone of being (directly aligned with militants by way of any political or other association; activity, statement, writing or communication with an individual or group government deemed (militant) to arrest and indefinitely detain Americans. Writers, journalists, Americans that disagree with or question U.S. Government or its allies—may under NDAA be subject to arrest and indefinite detention.
NDAA 2012, like Hitler’s 1933 Discriminatory Decrees enforces censorship; refers to the Patriot Act e.g. warrant-less searches of private property and forfeiture of property from persons not charged with crime. Provisions in NDAA 2012 keep the door open for corrupt U.S. police; government agents and provocateurs which there are many, to falsify reports and statements to target any American, group or organization for arrest, indefinite detention, complete disappearance; civil asset forfeiture of their property.
You may have noted NDAA referred to the USA Patriot Act. The Patriot Act lends itself to Government / police corruption; the Federal Government may use secret witnesses and informants to cause arrests and civil asset forfeiture of Americans’ property. Witness(s) and informants may be paid up to 50% of assets forfeited. Federal Government under 18USC may use a mere preponderance of civil evidence, little more than hearsay to Civilly Forfeit Private Property. Under the Patriot Act innocent property owners may be barred by government knowing the evidence federal government uses to forfeit their property.
Sections of NDAA 2012 are so broad, it appears U.S. Government or the President could (retroactively) deem an American’s past 1st Amendment activities prior to passage of 2012 NDAA—supported hostilities, terrorism or (Belligerents) to order the arrest and Indefinite Detention of any U.S. Citizen, writer, group or organization.
Under NDAA 2012 it should be expected that indefinitely detained U.S. Citizens not involved in terrorism or hostile activities, not given Miranda Warnings when interrogated, not allowed legal counsel or habeas corpus may be prosecuted for non-terrorist (ordinary crimes) because of their (alleged admissions) while held in Indefinite Detention.
this is the stupidest thing i’ve heard in a long time. NY and NJ….if they take even 1 dime of federal money for their disasters, they should have to pay it back with interest. same goes for LOUISIANA….think KATRINA!! as for the rest….they are full of BROKE JOKERS!!! let ’em go!!
I’d like to add my name to the list that agrees with secession from Obama’s nation. Put me in the North Carolina column.
How about all those that signed this petition take a look at the representatives they voted for, since they are doing the spending. if you dont want to fire those people that have control of your tax dollars and spending,or if you dont like the United States why dont you move to Canada, or some nice places overseas.
I just wanna put this out there. Just think if Wyoming were to succeed from the US. With the coal, methane, and oil resources that practically sustain the western civilization. HMMMMMM. I wonder how all this would play out. Just realise that many people out here in Wyoming have lost their jobs not because of the economy, but because of OBAMA’s so called green initiative.
‘secede’ my bad
If we Texans secede, I assume we will take our great President, Obama with us. On the other hand, if Texan KKK and Jo\hn Birchers, and all the Plutocrats want to secede, just take their Passports, and send them packing, welcome to go where ever they will never have a Black President to deal with. Me, and many of us Texans, are happy with Our President, and only want to be rid of the Fringe Right, running this State.
I hope Utah signs up also.
Keep in mind that it’s not the states that want to secede, but rather people in the states that want their states to secede.
Personally, I’d rather see people become more involved in their local/state government, and nullify the unconstitutional laws that have restricted state rights. If that leads to secession, then it would be a different story.
Oppose it. Civil war, do we want to appease them? Do we want to repeat history and cause unnecessary violence? Start with nullification.
Please sign my petition to get it up to the 150 mark…
For the Peaceful withdrawl of WASHINGTON DC from the Union…
Secession petitions are good PR but bad politics. There is a way for states to legally and politically secede from the American union but it must be a state-by-state process established by constitutional secession conventions in each state. Read: http://thedailybell.com/28286/Ron-Holland-Secession-Petitions-Good-PR-But-Bad-Politics
US is falling from the inside.
chinese and russians will happy about this
Rather than seceding from the union, the signatories to these partitions ought to contact their respective state legislatures and advocate their taking part in a constitutional convention to repeal the 17th amendment and restore state’s rights and to vote into office United States Senators that will represent the states in the federal legislature. Their job and their purpose being as defined by our Founders. Additionally, the matter of illegal immigration should be addressed in terms of the enforcement of, rather than any reform to, out current immigration law.
“Locke declared that under natural law, all people have the right to life, liberty, and estate; under the social contract, the people could instigate a revolution against the government when it acted against the interests of citizens, to replace the government with one that served the interests of citizens. In some cases, Locke deemed revolution an obligation. The right of revolution thus essentially acted as a safeguard against tyranny.” —This was written and published in 1695 and, like most of his other concepts, became integral to the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
The world thought that Americans can not get more stupid, but they denied it again…
This is a upstanding oportunity for Obama to launch NDAA over America
This is was it is created after all.
just like the civil war you lost get over it.
I vote for independence from this gvt of anti American, anti christian and anti Jewish leadership.
Basically had to tell you I am just glad that i stumbled
on your page.
We’re a group of volunteers and opening a new scheme in our community. Your site provided us with valuable information to work on. You’ve done a formidable job
and our whole community will be grateful to you.
This is necessary. If you go back to the election results to the first time Clinton was elected….we’ve been divided 52 – 48 one way or the other. One group wants government involvement in everything. The other just wants to be left alone.
We’re no longer one nation under God…..we’re 2 nations with 2 political philosophies that are irreconsilable.
In biology, when a cell’s nucleous becomes too crowded with chromosomes, it divides into 2 healthy cells. This is no different.
Actually, they are not morons. There are numerous advantages for consideraing a “peaceful separation.’
We must be practical! America has not been this divided since 1861. We are divided essentially on three issues: (a) Healthcare, (b) Right-t0-Work and (c) Energy.
It’s not that the opponents are bad people. They are simply misinformed. We must educate them. We have what we had in 1861: “A clash of perceptions.”
The question that must be addressed is “what kind of America do we want?” Barack Obama’s America would best be described as “The United American States.” The president believes in a big, Washington, D.C. based government, taking an active role in our lives.
The other America, my America, “the United States of America,” believes in the 10th amendment. That includes states rights, fiscal responsibility and a small federal government.
The choice for Americans: “Do you want an America that more closely resembles Texas or Greece?”
Barack Obama’s America looks a lot like Greece. I don’t think it can sustain it’s path without leading to financial disaster. But, for those who love the president and believe in his path, they should stay with him. For those who don’t, there is the constitutional right to secede.
A peaceful separation is the ideal option. It is a constructive solution to a question that has no right or wrong. Because, both sides see it differently. This isn’t 1861. We do not live in the “age of innocense.” America will not endure the kind of “bloodbath” that took place during the War Between the States. And, Barack Obama(although he might vehemently disagree) is not Abe Lincoln!
A peaceful separation will be healthful for all parties concerned. True, we don’t know where the final boundaries will be drawn. But chances are, it will ultimately be 38 to 40 states, who will depart Obama’s “United American States.” Asking him for permission is about like asking a mosquitto not to bite. But, that’s not a requirement of the constitition. It’s just a matter of having the will and the courage to do it. This is not about the “South Rising Again.” This is a matter of “stopping the advance of Communism in America.” When our people fully grasp this, they will know this may be our one and only chance.
Study your own history and you’ll see you’re the uninformed idiot.
The American Revolution was a successful secession movement against the British throne.
The War for Southern Independence was fought for the same reasons the American Revolution was, but it was unsuccessful.
Secession in America was first suggested by the New England states in 1803.
Secession is an American concept, our nation’s origins are rooted in it, and if you call yourself a proud American, you are championing it. Or do you not understand that??
1. If you’re going to call people “restated” then please learn how to spell…and type.
2. I see a little girl in your picture…I hope she’s not yours because the way you speak in your “rant” makes me scared for her.
Add up the number of sinatures, about a million total out of 310 million, got a ways to go bunky! Add to this that the headquarters for the NY secession movement is in North Dakota (?), might there be less to this than meets the eye. But anyway crawl in the closet,, pull a dirty sock over your head and do whatever you think is appropriate in those circumstances!
It amaze me that a whole united state is acting like a kid when there is fire burning in their home , instead of them to join hand together and quench the fire, they are busy running around looking for whom to blame , it is surprising to me that American fail to notice that CHINESE is waiting patiently to take the WORLD POWER from them and that will happen very soon all because American want to divide into two because black man is their president , This world disease ( races ) is an incurable thing ,and until the end of the world , Instead of American to come together and forget about parties and skin color of the president and work together to put their economy to work again and gain the respect they have from the world back again , they are busy fighting about who is Republic and Democrat and black or white president , My dear American , just watch it because CHINES is watch you people and they are going to take over SOON if you people are not reasonable enough,
If you go back to the election results to the first time Clinton was elected….we’ve been divided 52 – 48 one way or the other. One group wants government involvement in everything. The other just wants to be left alone.
We’re no longer one nation under God…..we’re 2 nations with 2 political philosophies that are irreconsilable. There IS no “working together to overcome the difficulties”
In biology, when a cell’s nucleous becomes too crowded with chromosomes, it divides into 2 healthy cells. This is no different