This secession movement, like ‘a Ron Paul voter on food stamps’

The following is from a post on Doug Wilson’s blog, expressing his opinion on the recent secession talk made famous by a series of petitions. Doug is a Christian preacher and author, perhaps best known for a book and film he did documenting a series of debates with the late Christopher Hitchens. (Bookmark it for later viewing: Collision.)

This movement is showing all the intellectual rigor of a Ron Paul voter on food stamps…

I was asked this morning if I was going to say anything about the secession petitions that have been filed at the White House, and I realized I needed to. I have clearly been remiss. Some who thought I have never heard of a secession proposal that I wouldn’t like might have been wondering what happened to me. Why was I not stirring in my stall, like an old war horse who senses the fray of a distant battle?

Because this set of secession petitions is nothing but stupidity on stilts.

Three quick takes:

1. Secession is not something that individuals do, and it most certainly is not something that individuals do on behalf of some other body. A random number of Texans don’t get to ask if Texas can secede without checking first to see if Texas (the body that would have to do it) wants to. And if Texas wants to, let Texas say so.

2. If you have to ask, it isn’t secession. The fact that these petitions are being filed at the White House, of all places, shows that these seceders are as nationalistic in their assumptions as anybody. “Please, mister . . .” This is not political theory; it is misdirected frustration. And while frustration can create some interesting political theater, it is not anything close to the real deal. This movement is showing all the intellectual rigor of a Ron Paul voter on food stamps…

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