Activism on the Patriot Act Renewal Vote

Short and sweet: We have a plan to boost strategic articles in opposition to renewing the badly named “Patriot Act” and aspects of the NSA debate and we need your help to do it.

Even if the ‘Patriot Act’ survives Sunday evening (when it is set to expire), this is an important time and opportunity to galvanize opposition against these illegal and unethical programs. Will you make a donation right now to help us bring the fight to the establishment?

One of the reasons funds are needed (besides the fact that we are a 100% volunteer site) is because Facebook has made it increasingly difficult to reach users on their site. However, the new system does allow us to target people on the fence in powerful and creative ways–if we can afford to pay.

For example. A Rush Limbaugh fan can be targeted with a specific message using extensive quotes from Rush on how invasive the collection of metadata can be. You know, “It’s just metadata–not content!” Well, our article destroys that silly argument. Your donation will help us reach his listeners. Here’s another example of a similar article we can promote with your help on the power of metadata.

We will also be in full activism mode Sat-Sun promoting the contact info for key senators as the ‘Patriot Act’ deadline approaches. (Have you contacted your senators yet?)

The possibilities are endless…

Thanks for the donation and keep watching our End the Patriot Act Live Blog.

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