Yes, there is an element of systemic racism in America, but what is going on in every major city is the enactment of long boiling anti-capitalist (anti-freedom) agenda. Where are the parents? Be safe tonight, folks. Love and protect your loved ones. Pray. BELOW
Today, the former CIA director, Michael Morrel published an oped in the Washington Post claiming that the unmasking of General Flynn was essentially no big deal. Just who is this Morrel character? Well, I’d say he’s an aspiring war criminal if he isn’t already.
I really hate to say this to our friends on the left, “Sorry, you don’t get to be an ObamaGate denier.” And by “ObamaGate,” I’m speaking broadly of the RussiaGate narrative; three years of complicated conspiracy theories, charts and graphs connecting Trump officials with
What a day! The Justice Department dropped it’s case against General Flynn and tons of once classified testimony was released by the House. There are several big stories here (Scroll down for the CBS interview with William Barr), but one that’s getting overlooked is
It was startling and a bit unexpected. On Friday evening, a little bit after 10:00 pm eastern time, General Flynn posted a sprawling court document—a defense of himself—on his Twitter account. It had been two years since he had used his Twitter account. It
Get to know My Soul Among Lions a band from Bloomington, Indiana. They are in the midst of a 10+ year project to set the entire Book of Psalms. This is our latest album. Live concert at 7pm. Song of the King: Psalms 21-30
A survey of church livestreams. Full disclosure: I’m playing keyboard in the first post at Trinity Reformed Church. James River (Assembly of God) in Springfield, MO. Easter Sunday worship from Christ Church (Moscow, Idaho)
A perfect storm of insanity unfolded today as President Trump, along with the usual suspects on the left, all attacked KY Rep. Thomas Massie for daring to attempt to demand a roll-call vote on the pork-filled Corona virus stimulus bill; Arguably the biggest spending
As I lay here on my bed, I’m tempted to post pandemic clickbait and complaints about the government… But you’ve probably been reading that all day. The question haunts me, “How do I make this time profitable…and I mean really profitable in a spiritual
President Trump delayed his yet to be delivered speech at CPAC 2020 to provide a live announcement from the White House of his plan to bring troops home from Afghanistan. The press badgered the president, referring to criticisms from his former national security adviser