Letter to the Editor: Local “Representatives” Disappoint

My local congressional representatives voted “no” on Rep. Justin Amash’s amendment to stop the NSA. This is the letter I wrote that was published in newspapers throughout their congressional districts. Letters to the Editor really are a great way to spread ideas at no cost. I highly encourage others to write in and make their voices heard. – Benjamin Rogers, IndianaPolitico

“When it was revealed that the National Security Agency has been perusing through the phone calls and other records of average Americans without warrants, many were rightfully outraged. Under the guise of “national security” and “the war on terror,” the federal government has barreled ahead with programs that deliver blow after blow to our diminishing liberties and freedoms.

Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan recently introduced a bipartisan amendment to the U.S. Department of Defense Appropriations Act that would have stopped the NSA from continuing this unconstitutional practice. It failed in the House by a razor-thin margin. If just a few representatives had changed their votes, the outcome would have been different.

Sadly, among those who voted to continue spying on the American people was my Second District Indiana representative, Jackie Walorski, and my former representative, Marlin Stutzman.

It angers me that a congressperson who ran on conservative and constitutional talking points would give the go-ahead for obviously illegal surveillance. The Fourth Amendment that protects our right to privacy and defends us from random searches is the law of the land, not a suggestion, like many in office are treating it.

I commend leaders from both sides such as Republican Amash and Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden who are trying to protect the last few shreds of liberty. Our political representatives take an oath of office and swear to uphold the Constitution; maybe some of them – like Walorski and Stutzman – need to be reminded of that.”


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