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It probably helps to not have supported either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump to see clearly just how hypocritical most of the left is being on every aspect of the #RUSSIA thing. Leaving aside the fact that neocons and war hawks like Dick Cheney,
…It turns out, Cernovich didn’t need a ‘deep throat’ within the NSA or CIA for his blockbuster scoop, all he needed was some well-placed sources inside of a couple of America’s corrupt mainstream media outlets. As Cernovich explains below, his sources for the Susan
It’s 11:30pm on Sunday, April 2nd. The clock is ticking and there has yet to be a MSM article on (Mrs. Benghazi-was-caused-by-Youtube) former Ambassador Susan Rice’s role as the (alleged) unmasker, but the story is blowing up all over social media. Here are the
I normally don’t go in for the contemporary bluegrass or ‘newgrass’ sound, but there’s something undeniably heartfelt about the Wonderhills that forces me to listen and lay aside my snobbery. In live performances, they even do the obligatory Beatles cover…sigh… But, somehow, it works
If you needed any more proof this whole #RUSSIA thing is making everyone really, really dumb, look no further than (R) Senator John Cornyn’s comments during Intelligence Committee hearings on alleged Russian meddling. You tell me, did he just muse on the efficacy of creating a
UPDATE: HANNITY CLIP Today, Evelyn Farkas was a featured guest on WGBH/PBS and continued to make conspiratorial accusations against the Trump administration. At 8:51, she is asked about her infamous comments on MSNBC and claims she wasn’t talking about leaks. Hi-I didn't give anybody
The more interviews of Evelyn Farkas I look at, the more I wonder, “Why did any of her superiors ever think it was a good idea to let her speak on camera?” “Loose lips sink ships,” they say and it appears her appearance on
Here’s a theory. Last year, President Obama—like the rest of the establishment—thought there was next to zero chance of Donald Trump winning the White House. With Hillary Clinton assuming the throne, he and his administration felt they could spy on Trump’s circle with impunity.
You can probably count on one hand the few voices on the left warning against the irrational Russia-obsessed conspiracy theorists that have infected today’s Democratic Party. I’m sure they are shaking their heads as they watch their comrades join in with neocons like Dick
Well, parents, here’s what you can look forward to your kids learning in college. They, too, can join the ranks of Shaun King, Rachel Dolezal and Vanilla Ice as brave pioneers of transracialism. People are gonna have to start putting cisracial or transracial in